介紹Config.sys文件(與Autoexec.bat、5種記憶體定義、QEMM ... Config.sys可以透過Menu來選擇驅動不同的裝置,這在慢慢的軟碟機上,可能會有 幫助,可以選擇最小引入或是選擇驅動的 ...
MS-DOS基本使用 DOS為Disk Operating System 之簡稱,意指磁碟作業系統。DOS用來控制整個 ... 執行自動批次檔,AUTOEXEC.BAT(含CONFIG. ... AUTOEXEC, BAT, 24, 06-11-92, 9:40a. CONFIG, SYS ... DELTREE 刪除子目錄【語法】 DELTREE [磁碟:][路徑]子目錄.
Config.sys Options - FreeDOS Title: Config.sys Options Configuring your DOS system for use: .... echo configuration 0 selected however, if you have no menu's in config.sys, then % config% has no value, thus resulting in "IF == 0 echo ...
Autoexec.bat and config.sys configurations in DOS 6 Selective startup menu. The commands above will allow us to define multiple ...
CONFIG.SYS - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia [MENU] MENUITEM = WIN, Windows MENUITEM = XMS, DOS with only Extended Memory MENUDEFAULT = WIN, 10 [COMMON] DOS = HIGH,UMB DEVICE = C:\DOS\HIMEM.SYS SHELL = C:\DOS\COMMAND.COM C:\DOS /E:512 /P [WIN] DEVICE = C ...
CONFIG.SYS commands - Kioskea - Online Community The CONFIG.SYS commands load programs into memory and manage the operation of your equipment. For the most part, they are used only in the CONFIG.SYS file, with the exception of break commands, and rem set, you can also include in the AUTOEXEC.BAT file or
館訊第十八期個人電腦技術問題二三事 SYS , EMM386.EXE , FILES=n , BUFFERS=m ☆範例 [MENU] 【Multi-config. 的目錄及代號】 menuitem=EMS menuitem=WINDOWS menuitem=NET menuitem= ...
請教dos時代config.sys設定的問題... [論壇存檔] - 滄者極限 請教dos時代config.sys設定的問題... 100年/01/01.剛好公司有要用到dos時代電腦...結果開機一看~2台全掛還好平常有備份但因為手頭上已經 ...
config.sys 免費下載 本站為您提供 config. sys 免費 下載及 config. sys 使用說明 ... 如果您發現 config. sys不能 下載,請參閱 下 ...
Config.sys Config.sys